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Yeats Off the Page

Words for Music Perhaps


Saturday 4th July

14.30 Yeats and the Psaltery: Talk with Performance 

(Ronald Schuchard and Robin Bier)

15.15 Musical Performance: After Yeats, William Brooks


'Ronald Shuchard returns for his final appearance at Yeats Off the Page, this time accompanied by Robin Bier who will be playing an instrument of Yeats' own invention, the psaltry. Robin will be demonstrating performances of Yeats' work - following Yeats' own performance directions - whilst accompanying herself on the psaltry.


This is followed by After Yeats, a concept by William Brooks which describes a collaboration between a performer, who declaims a Yeats poem in translation, self-accompanied by a plucked string instrument, and a composer, who works at a remove to observe and amplify the implications of the declamation.'


The Mansion House, St Helen's Square, York

£3 entry including Vietnamese, Arabic or

Italian Coffee



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